Get LIFETIME access to our Resolving Excessive Screaming webinar recording. In this 90 minute webinar we cover the following information, critical to assessing and addressing excessive vocalisations in our companion parrots. Presented by our one and only Rachel Ward, Certified Parrot Behaviour Consultant! • What is excessive screaming? • Why does it occur? • Risk factors for screaming • Assessing the behaviour • ABC’s • ‘Working in the A’ - Environmental management/changes • ‘Working in the C’ - Identifying maintaining consequences • Behaviour modification protocols • Beware of ‘Online remedies’ • Real life case studies • Recorded Q + A • Access to discounted private sessions to get personalised assistance with developing a training plan for your screaming parrot, email contact@parrotlife.com.au for more information. The content included in this webinar is not for reproduction or distribution and remains the intellectual property of Parrot Life Behaviour and Training and should under no circumstances be shared with anyone else.